Welcome to my internet property! I usually go by the name of 'ToasterBirb', love birbs (birds) and identify as a computer addict.
I picked up HTML at 5th grade in elementary school, but actual programming languages came in at 8th grade. My personal favourites are C-based languages like C, C++ and C#. I have also dabbled into some other languages but haven't been able to wrap my head around them. I still remember sitting in some python class writing the assignments in C++, because I just couldn't think straight with the python syntax. If I will ever learn new languages, those will probably be Rust, Go or x86-assembly. Source code for this website is available here
Here's a list of some open source softare software / scripts I have made in no particular order. I license pretty much everything under GPLv3, so feel free to use anything you'd like following the license terms accordingly
Desktop applications for Linux. Mostly forks of suckless applications with some tweaks to suit my personal needs / taste + dmenu scripts that don't fit to other categories
"Dynamic Desktop Environment", a combination of different programs (mostly suckless software) to create a lightweight desktop environment. Currently contains a window manager, statusbar, program launcher, lockscreen and a terminal emulator. Different components can also be installed separately by not running the installation script but rather using plain make install in the respective source directories
A technical demo for testing different features in Birb2D, mainly interpolation math, text components and path sorting. Was originally meant to be some tower defense game, but got turned into a testing sandbox instead.
Image processing script. A combination of waifu2x and imagemagick that helps with denoising / upscaling low quality high resolution pictures. Works the best with cartoonish styled images like manga / anime, but can work with other pictures as well (though the output will look a bit cartoonish)
A dmenu script for browsing youtube via the invidious API. Routes all traffic trough tor with SOCKS5 proxies and torsocks and views the videos with mpv
A Minecraft 1.12.2 cheating client forked from KAMI-Blue after the repository was archived. I mainly use this when playing on Constantiam. As for new features when compared to KAMI-Blue, there's bunnyhopping, fast ladder, auto breeding / shearing and a HUD overlay for highway building. There might also be some other changes that I'm forgetting
An installer script for the F-Droid privileged extension. I use this script to reinstall the extension after system updates, because those sometimes wipe the extension from the system directories. Please read trough the script carefully if you are considering using it! Its made only my phone (Fairphone 3) in mind and might cause permanent damage in other cases.
Really originally named package manager for BirbOS, my old LFS (Linux From Scratch) distro. Uses stow to symlink binaries into /usr. Birb also has the functionality to extract binaries from .deb packages and includes scripts for looking up package source code from the AUR and browsing the appimage-hub
Android application for timing reading speed via averaging the spent time per page. Haven't touched the source code for many years, no clue if it still works