As a GNU/Linux user, I am obligated to share my dotfiles (hidden files with . in the beginning of the name, usually configuration files in ~/.config). I'll also put in other stuff that might matter.
alias mpva='mpv --loop-playlist --shuffle=yes --volume=40 --no-video --no-audio-display ./*'
Just navigate to a directory and run 'mpva'. Make sure to organize your music into directories as if they were different playlists. You could also create symlinks to have one song in multiple "playlists" at the same time.
Translate Swedish text (or other languages) in pictures
alias swe='scrot -s /tmp/translate.png && \
trans -b swe:fi "$(tesseract -l swe /tmp/translate.png stdout 2>/dev/null)" && \
rm /tmp/translate.png'
Run the swe alias (or make this a script that is in PATH), select the area you want to translate and the translation should show up in the terminal. If you are going to make this into a script, you will need another way to show the translation (dunst etc.)
Cute root password prompt
sudo (there might be some similar variable for doas)
export SUDO_PROMPT="(* ^ ω ^) Mayw I hav ur passwrd sir: "