Void Linux Package Repository

I recently (end of 2021) decided to hop to Void Linux (UPDATE), ditched Void for Gentoo, this package repository has been abandoned.

One of the things I instantly noticed with Void was that it has way less packages compared to Arch Linux and since the AUR isn't there to fill up the gaps, I had to install some of the software from source. I thought to myself that this was the opportunity to learn how to package software.

This repository contains stuff that I felt like was worth packaging and might be useful. I do not own the rights to everything, but since the software is open source, I felt like I have the right to "distribute" the sources in binary packages per their licenses. To fulfill the requirements of GPLv3, I will link to the sources of the packages and list any changes/patches done to the program, if I'm not the developer of that program.

How to use the repo

To use, create a file called /etc/xbps.d/99-repo.conf and add this line to it:


For up-to-date list of packages included check here the repository directly.


If the there are any problems with this repository, please let me know by sending me mail at git@toasterbirb.com.

Also, if you are the owner of any project listed above as a package and you want it taken out of the repository, feel free to let me know, and I'll take action as quickly as I can.