How to contact me

I don't have too many accounts on social media platforms, but you can get in touch with me in a few ways.


This is probably the easiest one (I actually get a notification). My username there is You can send me a private message there.


You can reach me via this address: eZIseHE0e2IcgJYbBpobBl5me20=. Its encoded in base64 and all letters have been rotated 3 times with caesar cipher, because I don't want more stupid email spam from webscraping bots.


This is a tricky one. I have been wanting to get rid of my Discord account for a long time now. While I still do use Discord, I want to minimize it as much as I can. I have been planning on trying to get my account deleted completely at some point and quite possibly start a new account used only for select few Discord servers.

If you can find me on Discord though... Well, you found me